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New Builds - Publication


New Builds is a collaboration that merges sculpture, drawing and photography.

The sculptural works featured in this publication were made by Otis Blease between 2020 and 2021 as a way of reusing his discarded drawings. Later in collaboration with Isaac Blease, the New Builds were packed up in a suitcase, transported around London and photographed in the locations that originally inspired them.

This process reflects on the human urge to recreate our surroundings as a way of understanding them. Like building forts when you're a kid or the way a dog digs a hole to lie in, New Builds was an attempt to reclaim an interactive approach to the urban-landscape.

Sculptures by Otis Blease,
Photographs by Isaac Blease.

36pp, 245 x 345mm
Stapled book with silk screened cover
Single colour Offset Litho
Self Published 2021